
Reclaim Your Confidence, Unveil Your Best Self

A beautifully contoured and firm abdomen is a symbol of confidence and vitality. At Bella Vita Clinic, our tummy tuck procedure is your gateway to achieving that toned and sleek midsection, revitalizing your self-esteem.

Why Consider a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is more than a surgical procedure; it’s a transformative journey. It addresses loose skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles, resulting in a firmer, flatter, and more youthful-looking abdomen.

Before & After Tummy Tuck

FAQ about tummy tuck

What happens at my initial consultation?

Our surgeon will discuss your goals, as well as the degree of weakness of your abdominal wall muscles, excess skin, and subcutaneous fat around the abdominal wall. He will also discuss the type of tummy tuck that is ideal for you and what kind of results you can expect.

What is the difference between tummy tuck and liposuction?

Many patients have questions about the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction. Where a tummy tuck reconstructs the muscles underneath and removes excess skin, liposuction only removes excess fat. Liposuction will not remove or reduce loose, hanging, or excess skin.

Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

In general, good candidates for a tummy tuck want to improve the contour of their stomachs, are in overall good health, and have realistic expectations.

What should I expect after a tummy tuck? What is recovery like?

After your tummy tuck, you should plan to take 2 weeks off of work because you will be required to limit your physical activity and stay bent at the waistline for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you should be able to stand up straight and return to work. You will have a draining tube for one week and wear a compression garment for 6 weeks following your surgery.

What kind of scars will I have?

Mini tummy tucks leave a scar approximately 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) long. The scar will be low on the abdomen and can be easily covered. A fleur de lis tummy tuck leaves the same scar as a mini tummy tuck with the addition of a vertical scar up the abdomen.